So, first things first. What is Ebates? Ebates is a company that gives you cash back, when you go through their website and shop at one of the stores that are on their website. Ebates is basically an affiliate to many stores. That means that, Ebates makes a small commission when they refer people to businesses. The stores are paying Ebates for advertising and they get commission off your orders! Instead of keeping all of the commission, they give you back a small percentage! That way, not only are they getting business, you're getting money back for helping them make business! Best of both worlds, right?
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Ebates logo (taken from their website) |
Ebates is an affiliate for many many many stores! Some examples are Sephora, Walmart, Aldo, Forever 21, Asos, Expedia, Groupon and much more! Just take a stroll on their website (Canadian website, but simply click on your location on the side!).
To be honest, I was kind of hesitant to get started. But, I saw so many Youtubbers talk about it and I got curious and I did my research! Like, it really is that simple and it's not a scam! You're not getting a huge percentage back, like for example Sephora is usually at 4%, which is not a lot! It basically means, if you spend $100, you get $4 back, which is nothing. However, throughout the year, it adds up! Sometimes, Sephora offers double the cash back and even this one time it was at 12%! What I normally do is that I make a list of products that I want from whichever store. Then, when I decide that it's time to treat myself, I keep checking online at Ebates to see what the cash back rate is! If I don't need the item right away, I just wait until the cash back rate is higher! When it comes to foundations or clothes, I normally try it out in store to see if I like it and then I go online to order it! To be honest, once I discovered Ebates, I mostly buy my makeup online. If you're getting cash back, why not? Here is basically my cashback history:
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My cash back history |
It's really easy to get started and they even have a video on their site that explains how to set up your account! You basically need to sign up with an email address. Then each time that you want to shop online and Ebates is an affiliate for that store, you go on the Ebates's website and sign in. If you're not sure if the store that you're shopping at is linked with Ebates, you can check by going under the "Stores" tab, which will show you a list of all the stores that Ebates is linked with! Then, let's say you want to shop at Sephora. What you do is, on the search engine you write Sephora or you can look it up under the "Stores" tab. You click on Sephora. You will get this on your screen:
As you can see, it gives you all the details about Sephora, as in if they ship to your country and if they collect duty fees and taxes. They even have promotions and coupon codes that are currently valid! Then, what you do is, you click on the red tab that says "Shop Now" and that will take you to the Sephora website. Then you sign into your Sephora account and then you purchase whatever you want! It really is that simple! Just make sure that when you're on the Ebates site that you're signed in with your email or else you won't get the cash back! Normally within 2-5 days, you'll get a email from Ebates telling you that you earned this much amount from shopping at this store! You can even check all your cash back history by clicking onto "My Account" on Ebates and then going to "Summary". That way you can keep track of how much you been getting in cash back!
There's honestly no twists it's that simple! The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that, Ebates sends out cheques only during a certain period. Here are the dates that they send out cheques:
Also, let's say you started on March 29th and you didn't get more than $5 in cash back. They will just add whatever you made onto your next pay cheque, because they don't send out cheques that are not more than $5! I get my payments by cheque, but you can also get it through Paypal!
There's honestly no limitations to Ebates! You can spend as much as you want or as little as you want and you'll still get cash back on whatever you spend! Even if I place a small order of let's say $20, I still go through Ebates, because hey at least getting something is better than getting nothing! It really is that simple and honestly, it's a good way to get money back! It does get tempting to shop when the rates are high! For example, I didn't need to buy makeup a few months ago, but since the rate was 12%, I just went for it, because when does Sephora ever have sales?! Even during the 2 VIB sales that they have yearly, I buy more than I need to, since I'm saving more by going through Ebates! Honestly, who knew you would get paid for shopping! I hope I answered many of your questions! I also want you guys to know that I'm not getting sponsored by Ebates or anyone to talk about this. I simply just wanted to share it with you guys, so that you can save just like me! The whole idea of creating this blog is to share my thoughts and opinions with you guys! So, I hope you enjoyed this post and you found it useful! I know I been lacking posts this month, but honestly guys, time is flying by! I have so much to do before school starts, but believe me, I'm trying to get posts out there for you guys! xoxo